Themes & Values


  • Whole Estate Approach
    The five pillars are the core of JHE. These five focus areas encompass a vast range of projects, assets, enterprises, places and people. The strength of JHE is that each part helps to bind the whole. All component parts form an integral piece of the jigsaw; though some may seem small, insignificant or non-viable in isolation, as part of an holistic asset management strategy they represent incredible potential. The potential provision of benefits for the environment, local communities and the economy, as well as the region as a whole, is genuinely unprecedented in the UK.

  • Interconnectivity
    Each of the five core pillars are intrinsically linked. Individual projects and enterprises will naturally cross more than one theme. Indeed, most issues will relate to all five pillars. This interconnectivity provides added value and benefit, and embeds strength to each individual component of JHE.

  • Balance
    JHE comprises many varied and competing pressures and land uses. It is vital that balance is achieved between competing land uses and that no single activity or enterprise should be given priority to the unacceptable detriment of another. The equitable nature of our management approach is vital to maintain resilience, so that JHE is capable of facing the ever growing and changing social, economic and environmental challenges.

  • Magnitude
    The variety within JHE and the scale of our vision is challenging to comprehend. To date, few people have truly understood JHE’s potential and the huge number of people on whom the implementation of our vision could impact. The magnitude of our vision for JHE is a core strength, but risks becoming a weakness without competent direction and leadership. To achieve our objectives will require patience, determination and investment on a phenomenal scale; however, the rewards, benefits and legacy of success will be unparalleled.


• We will act with trust, honesty and integrity both internally and externally, always being mindful of our vision.

• We will inspire, encourage and effectively engage in all our human interactions.

• We will seek to resolve and proactively manage conflict in challenging areas or where there are competing demands; we will take evidence-based decisions in line with our strategic objectives.

• A safe working environment is essential for the implementation of our vision; we value highly the safety, welfare and wellbeing of our staff, contractors, customers and users of our assets.

• We recognise the existence of power imbalances in our society. True sustainability will be achieved by fostering inclusivity and equal opportunities within and around the Estate.

• We value our role within the GFG Alliance and will support our colleagues in their business activities.