3 new Seasonal, Summer Ranger jobs at Jahama Highland Estate

3 new visitor services staff jobs are currently being advertised by Jahama Highland Estate. The full time, seasonal roles run from June to October 31st 2022. The company is looking to recruit staff into the key locations of Kinlocheven, Spean Bridge/Fersit and Laggan. The jobs are fully advertised on line and applications can be made via the HIJOBS platform. These roles are part funded by Naturescot and are designed to support visitors and tourists whom visit the area and to mitigate the challenges experienced last year in relation to congestion, waste and litter build up and the issues related to large numbers of camper vans and irresponsible camping. Individuals keen to work in the outdoors, be customer facing and whom own their own vehicle are encouraged to contact Jahama Highland Estates for further information.

Contact the Jahama Highland Estate liaison manager on 07483-301395, for a discussion if you have any questions or queries.


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